PARTS Initiative

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Privacy policy

Established on March 1, 2010
Last revised on March 1, 2010
Miyaho Ogawa
Representative Director
Parts Initiative Ltd.


Parts Initiative Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) collects and receives your personal information in the course of providing various services.
The Company appropriately handles your personal information in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
The Company trains and instructs its employees about the appropriate handling of your personal information and makes sure that third parties use the same degree of care when handling your personal information as the Company.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information

The Company appropriately acquires your personal information without resort to any disguise or other fraudulent means.

2. Use of Personal Information

The Company uses your personal information only for the following purposes;

  • to respond to your inquiry, or
  • to provide services to you;

provided, however, that the Company may use your personal information for purposes other than stated above with your prior consent.

3. Safeguard of Personal Information

The Company takes necessary and reasonable measures to protect your personal information. It handles from leakage, loss or damage, and otherwise to safeguard your personal information.

4. Entrustment of Personal Information

In cases where the Company entrusts all or part of its handling of your personal information to third parties, the Company thoroughly investigates and monitors such third parties as required and as appropriate in order to ensure that your personal information which is entrusted to those third parties is properly safeguarded.

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company does not provide your personal information to any third party without your prior consent unless required by laws and regulations including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan.

6. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information

When you request disclosure of your own personal information, the Company promptly discloses it to you, provided, however, that the Company does not respond to your request unless it can confirm your identity.
In the case of an error in your personal information, when you request correction, addition, or deletion of such information, the Company promptly responds to your request after reasonable investigation, provided, however, that the Company does not respond to your request unless it can confirm your identity.
In the case of a request as stated above or any question concerning the Company’s handling of your personal information, please refer to the following contact information.

Contact Information:

Kazuhiko Ohmura
Private Information Manager
Representative Director
Parts Initiative Ltd.

7. Change of this Policy

The contents of this policy are subject to change. Unless otherwise stipulated by the Company, a change of this policy shall come into force when it is posted on this web page.